Lab Exercise 7 An Incident On the Sun


Read  Laboratory Exercise 7 section 7.3 and answer questions 11-16.

Object: Sunspot

Filter: Visible Light

Temperature: 3700 K

Visible Features: Umbra, Penumbra

Figure 7.9  Sunspot

spot turning

Figure 7.10  The largest sunspot group of the past ten years crossed the surface of the Sun late March of 2001. The group was designated Active Region 9393. The above time-lapse sequence shows AR 9393 as it evolved from 27 March to April 2.


Figure 7.11 From top to bottom, these stacked panels show the largest sunspot group in a decade in visible, extreme ultraviolet, and x-ray light. All were taken on March 29, around the time the famous solar active region, cataloged as AR 9393, was at its peak size. The top panel is in visible light (photosphere). Middle panel is in ultraviolet (highest level of chromosphere). Bottom panel is in X-rays (corona). Below is a Magnetograph of the same region. Areas that are strongly white or strongly black correspond to strong mangetic fields. Grey areas correspond to weak magnetic fields.


Figure 7.12 Diagram that illustrates how the magnetic field lines in the chromosphere (dark blue) and the corona (light blue) are connected to sunspots on the photosphere (green).

magnetic carpet

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