Spiral galaxy M98 = NGC 4192

This CCD image shows the highly inclined spiral galaxy M98 (NGC 4192) in Virgo. This angle allowed H.D. Curtis to place it as part of a sequence of spirals of varying inclination and establish the presence of absorbing material in the disk plane of spiral galaxies even before Hubble's Cepheid observations has established that spirals are in fact separate galaxies.

This image is from a 5-minute blue-light exposure taken during twilight with a Tektronix 2048x2048 CCD at the 2.1-meter telescope of Kitt Peak National Observatory, by Bill Keel and Lisa Frattare. North is at the top and east to the left, for direct comparison with a chart or eyepiece view. The image has been block-averaged by a factor of 2, another factor of two as shown above (click for full size). I used a logarithmic intensity transformation to preserve information across a wide dynamic range. The field is 9.3 arcminutes high.

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