Open star cluster M47

UA 16-inch image of Messier 47

The bright but sparse star cluster Messier 47 in Puppis, shown in a V-band CCD image obtained with the UA 16-inch telescope. The field of view shown is 30 arcminutes wide, to encompass the whole span of the cluster's bright members. The very bright star tol the west (right), with a charge trail, is the newly-discovered variable star V378 Pup. M47 is seen only 1.3 degrees from M46.

M47 and M46 appear close together, only 1.3 degrees apart from our vantage point, in the Milky Way star fields of Puppis. They are shown together in this image from the University of Alabama Crimson Dragon wide-field imaging system.

Star clusters M46 and M47

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